Friday, August 8, 2008

Back in LA

Well, here I am, arrived safe and sound in Los Angeles.
The final leg of my flight was mostly uneventful (just long, and with the same movies as the leg before - the dude in front of me watched Ironman no less than 3 times over the course of 3 hours).
I had forgotten how different new places are, when you hop off the lane. on stepping out of the airport (immigration took some time, but was no hassle), I remembered the smell of the city - how the places had its own unique sound, look and smell (which is a kind of wet, stuffy odour). Got to my hostel safely, and got set up in a dorm room. My lock didn't fit the locker provided, so I had to make a midnight trip out to the local all-night pharmacy for some supplies. This is a funny city, though - even though it was after midnight, there were a great number of people, not just in clubs and bars, but simply walking around like it was the middle of the day.
Like I said, this is a wierd place, and one I hope to get to know a little better over the next few days.
Today, the plan is to pay a visit to a Gallery that's got an interesting exhibit down at UCLA, then head along to check out Santa Monica, the pier and the beach.
Good to hear from some of y'all, will report back again soon.

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