Monday, August 11, 2008

The Getty Institute: charitable foundation or evil super-corporation

So, I went to the Getty Institute yesterday, and I really enjoyed it - they've got an incredible collection of artworks, spanning from Ancient Egyptian times to today - I really enjoyed the visit, and it's an amazing place, but, over the course of my visit to the Getty Museum yesterday, I became convinced that there was something more sinister going in at the Getty.
So, without further ado, I present the reasons that the Getty Institute is a cover organisation for an evil super-corporation.

1. The Getty is too rich.
According to the world bank, the Getty Foundation, which runs the museum and the Getty Institute is worth approximately 10 Billion dollars. Think about that. 10 billion dollars - it is the 3rd richest charitable foundaton in the world, and we're supposed to believe that all that cash iss going into art collecting and conservancy. If the Getty wanted, for example, to take a billion or so from the vaults to conduct research on next generation biological warfare, no-one would even miss the money.

2. The Getty Centre is like an iceberg
Thelady taking the architectual tour I went on mentioned that, in addition to the the 4 or so level above ground, there are at least 5 storeys of this thing -below- the ground. She claimed it was for parking, conservancy work etc, but it sounds like the perfect place for a secret death laboratory. indeed, if you're attentive enough, you can sometimes get a glimpse behind the Wizard's Curtain to what goes on below ground.

3. Too much security
The Getty Centre is a museum. and I understand the value of the works they're holding, but these guys are way overzealous for a museum.
Not only are there cameras in all the galleries, hallways and outside, but there are also some hanging in random stairwells, and perched unsubtly on the sides of hills. When it's closing time, all the security guards come out. and there are -heaps- of them. Possibly genetically modified super-soldiers.

4. Ridiculously advanced technology.
Seriously. These guys have their own driverless, automatic, air-cushioned railway system. It's exactly like that scene in The Incredibles.

5. A Freaking Helipad.

It's a Helipad. Disguised as a lawn. I rest my case.

Anyway, that's all for this post, a bit more on today's travels coming up shortly.

1 comment:

Phillipa R. Ellis said...

have you ever thought of writing for Cracked?.

I must say I am a little scared by the amount of money they have.
And even more so by the huge, empty carpark warehouse thingy you got a photo of. Because you can't drive up to the Getty. So what would they need a carpark for? For storing nuclear weaponry, that's what.
